TOLERANCE / 6th International Poster Contest by Graphic Stories

Since the era of the European Enlightenment, tolerance has emerged as a necessary feature for the harmonious coexistence of people and is a consequence of the anthropocentric ideas of freedom, democracy, equality, equity, and the timeless struggles to eliminate all forms of discrimination, social, racial, nationalist, for the freedom of speech and thought.
Tolerance is about our willingness to allow people to think, express and act even in ways that we do not agree with. Tolerance for everything different, for different thoughts or ideas, has as its goal the creative approach and progress, both individually and collectively. Tolerance is the springboard for a society free of bigotry, intolerance, racism, nationalism and all forms of discrimination and social inequality. It is at the same time the cornerstone of cultivating mutual respect and solidarity, cooperation and consensus and the antidote to marginalization and social exclusion.
The participants in the competition are invited to visualize their thoughts, ideas, and concerns regarding the theme of the competition which is: “Tolerance”. The posters created should highlight the fact that tolerance is an important moral virtue that inspires not only respect for and acceptance of diversity, but also an attitude of life that can contribute to both individual happiness and well-being, as well as in the harmonious and peaceful coexistence of all the people on Earth.
1. Dimensions: The theme should be vertically designed [portrait] and delivered as a digital file. The dimensions must be 50x70cm. 2. Format / Resolution: 300dpi resolution, CMYK, .jpg. 3. A prerequisite is to indicate the title of the contest in English “Tolerance” and the NEW “Graphic Stories” logo in some place in the poster. 4. Download the NEW logo of Graphic Stories as follows. 5. Each participant can submit up to two [2] posters. 6. For your participation to be valid, you will need to download, full-fill and attach, along with your poster, the participation form.
Submission Procedure
The submission of the projects starts on the 10th of July and will end on the 15th of November 2021.
Entries must be sent by email to: stating in the title of the email the category of participation as follows: 1. International participation: professional visual communication designers 2. International participation: higher education students of visual communication 3. Cypriot participation: higher education students of visual communication 4. Cypriot participation: high school and technical school students. Higher education Students in Cyprus participate in the same time, with the same poster in both categories [2, 3]. Each file should be named following the scheme “contest_name_surname” as well as the file extension. The e-mail, must necessarily include the following information: 1. Subject: it must include the title “6th Contest GSC – Tolerance” and the category to which the project is submitted as stated above. 2. The poster: 50x70cm, 300dpi, CMYK, .jpg. 3. The full-filled participation form. 4. The file should not exceed the 25MB limit, so that it can be attached inside the email. Do not use an external link. 5. The following statement: “The elements used for the creation of my project are original and do not include third party’s intellectual property. With my participation in the contest, I accept the terms and conditions of the contest and I grant the rights of free use of my work to the organizers of Graphic Stories Cyprus Ltd“.
1. Entries that do NOT have all the required information filled in or do not meet the conditions of the contest will NOT be considered valid.
2. The public display of the submitted works is not allowed prior to the announcement of the winners.
3. The distinguished artists will be announced publicly on the day of the opening of the exhibition.
4. Submissions whose content can be considered offensive or insulting or unrelated to the theme of the contest will not be considered valid.
5. The winners and distinguished designers grant the right of free use of their project to the organizers of Graphic Stories, with the signature of the participant.
6. The prizes will be given to the winners directly from our sponsors.
7. The postal cost for sending the commemorative prizes of the competition is not included.
8. The organizers and the jury reserve the right to cancel the contest.
9. The submitted projects should not contain personal information about the designers.
10. The contest is open to higher education students and professional visual communication designers for the International Contest.
Higher education students and students of lyceums and technical schools for the Cypriot Contest.
11. The contributors, creative contributors, and the members of the jury of Graphic Stories can not participate in the contest.
This restriction does not apply to volunteers.
12. The posters must be original and have not entered any other contest or have been published in the media for any other reason.
13. Upon successful submission of the projects, an automatic confirmation is sent.
14. Upon completion of the contest and the selection of the 50 posters, confirmation will be sent ONLY to the distinguished participants.
Clarifications from Alexander College regarding the Scholarships
The Management Department of the Alexander College academic institution, decided as for the next contest of Graphic Stories to grant 2 full [full] scholarships. In the Cyprus Students category, a full scholarship is awarded in any degree field the winner wishes and, in the Cyprus Higher Education and College Students category, a full scholarship is granted in any postgraduate field the winner wishes.
Terms and conditions
the possession of a High School or Technical School Certificate
participants do not hold a Diploma or other relevant academic degree
the scholarship is valid for the Alexander College graduate courses offered in Larnaca and Paphos
Participants must be recipients of state sponsorship according to the criteria announced by the Ministry of Finance
Terms and conditions
the possession of a High School or Technical School Certificate
participants must have a Diploma or other related academic degree
the scholarship is valid for the Alexander College postgraduate courses offered in Larnaca and Paphos
Participants must be recipients of state sponsorship according to the criteria announced by the Ministry of Finance
The best 50 posters will be exhibited at the respective exhibition which will be inaugurated after the end of the Conferences’ lectures. Good luck!
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