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CITY/NATURE – International Poster Contest

CITY/NATURE – International Poster Contest

Open submission for poster design describing relations between nature and residents of the cities.

DEADLINE: 30.03.2022

INSTAGRAM: @citynature.contest

What is the role of green areas in the city ecosystem? Does humanity need to reconsider its relations with the nature closest to them?

The mission of the project is to draw attention to the nature the closest to us – in the city ecosystem (in front of your building, in the closest park, growing out of the paving slabs). We want to provoke the discussion on how we can take care of nature and treat it as an equal resident of the city, like the neighbour. We want to promote the advantages green areas bring in the cities and show why do we need them, why should it be a place for every plant in the city's ecosystem. Let’s use our creativity to educate people on the importance and benefits of having green neighbours!


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