URUGUAY CARTEL aims to expose and celebrate the design of the poster of Uruguay and the world.

Deadline: February 15th, 2019
The first edition will last 2 days and will be held in the city of Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay in the month of May 2019.
The posters act as a simple vehicle of communication and have provided a powerful framework for political agendas, war propaganda and the dissemination of public information, as well as being used as tools to sell commercial goods and services for centuries. However, outside of their functional existence, they provide a canvas for millions of designers from around the world.
There will be a national and global call, until February 15, 2019 and a selection of 31 posters will be displayed 100 cm x 70 cm of which 6 will be international guests by Uruguay Cartel, such as José Bernabé from Spain, Anna Korolovszki from Hungary, Yossi Lemel from Israel, Christopher Scott from Ecuador, Rico Lins from Brazil, Coco Cerrella from Argentina and Gabriel Benderski from Uruguay.
Event location
Uruguay is a small Latin American country located between Argentina and Brazil.
Colonia del Sacramento is one of the most important accesses of Uruguay, which receives with its impeccable Historical Heritage of Humanity and is less than 1 hour from Buenos Aires and less than 2 hours from Montevideo: Capital of the Country.
Website: https://www.uruguaycartel.com