“Creatively for Human Rights” 7th International Socio-Political Poster Biennial

Deadline: April 10, 2018
The 7th International Socio-Political Poster Biennial will take place at the International Youth Meeting Centre (MDSM) in Oświęcim, Poland, in 2018. MDSM was established in 1986 by initiative of the Reconciliation Service for Peace (Akcja Znaku Pokuty/Służba dla Pokoju; Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste) of Berlin. The Oświęcim Home is a meeting place and an educational centre for young people arriving here from all over the world. It is a venue of contemporary art presentations and a broad exchange of views, as well as a platform of political discussions.
The posters qualified to the 2018 Biennial will be presented at the main Exhibition to be held at MDSM in Oświęcim in the autumn of 2018, followed by a series of exhibitions in Poland and abroad. The works submitted to the previous editions of the Biennial were displayed e.g. in the European Parliament in Brussels and twice in Strasbourg, as well as Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Wolfsburg, Dachau, Bucharest, not to mention the Polish towns of Katowice, Szczecin, Opole, Bielsko-Biała, Kielce, Cieszyn, Jaworzno, Wałbrzych (The Książ Castle) and Kraków several times.
I. Conditions of Participation 1. Professional visual artists, graduates of the Academies of Fine Arts and other types of tertiary art schools, including senior students may participate in the Biennial, in accordance with these Rules.
2. Posters, accompanied by their digital versions saved on an electronic medium, with a printed and filled in Participant’s Card (a sample card can be downloaded from the MDSM website at www.mdsm.pl) must be sent to the following address on or before 10 April 2018 (which is the final date of delivery to MDSM): Międzynarodowy Dom Spotkań Młodzieży, ul. Legionów 11, 32-600 Oświęcim, Poland, with the reference: VII Biennale Plakatu and the designation: PRINTED MATTER, NO COMMERCIAL VALUE. You may send or obtain other information by writing in Polish, German, or English to: grzywa@mdsm.pl.
3. Each author can contribute maximum three posters in the form of e.g. digital, offset or screen printouts, each with a description sticker. The minimum size of a poster is 50x70 cm and the maximum one 100x70 cm. The posters must be accompanied by the Participant’s Card and digital copies recorded in tiff or jpg formats on a CD/DVD or other electronic media. The Participant’s Card and the poster stickers can be photocopied (see samples at www.mdsm.pl).
4. If the poster content includes inscriptions made in other languages than European, or other characters than those of Latin or Cyrillic alphabets, e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Hindu, Arabic etc., please enter translations of all such inscriptions into Polish, English, German, or Russian in the Participant’s Card.
5. Your shipment should be carefully packed. The organisers will disclaim responsibility for any damages occurring in transport. The participants must pay for the shipment to MDSM. The posters that have not been qualified for the Exhibition can be picked up from the MDSM in Oświęcim, upon arranging the date, until the end of August 2018. The posters that have not been collected within that period may be appropriated and included in the MDSM’s collection to be presented at other Biennial exhibitions.
6. The posters qualified to the VII Biennial shall be appropriated by MDSM and may be displayed at the exhibitions in Poland and abroad of which the authors will be duly informed.
7. The posters qualified to the Exhibition will be reproduced in the trilingual (Polish-German-English) Catalogue. Each Exhibition participant will obtain a free copy of the Catalogue and a Participation Certificate.
8. By sending a poster to the Biennial, the author authorises the organisers to reproduce and publish the posters for any promotional and information purposes, relating to the Biennial and MDSM, without claiming any royalties.