Deadline: 25 of September 2017.
MUMEDI, the Mexican Museum of Design, represented by the MUMEDI Foundation, call designers, students, teachers, professionals and anyone interested in the subject, to participate in the International Poster Contest "To Death with a Smile" 2017-2018, to promote the exercise of good design.
Rules and Process of Participation:
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONPARTICIPANTS: Designers public in general or people with graphic representation background and anyone interested from from any nationality over 18 years of age.
SUBJECT MATTER:It is about death, a personal consideration or approach, the meaning In your own culture, how we fear, celebrate or deal with it. It can be reflected in serious or playful way.
TECHNIQUE: Freestyle but at the end it should be put into the requested electronic file format.
DIMENSIONS: 60 cm x 90 cm, vertical.FORMAT: Digital Format .JPG with 300 dpi s in RGB colors.Registry Sheet: It is necessary to complete the registry sheet for each poster you submit.
Web site link: