Graphic Design Festival Scotland, 20-26 October, 2017
£900 prize money. Free to enter. What's not to like? Deadline: 20th of August Content and mottoThe International Poster Competition 2017...

Madrid Gráfica 2017
Open Call for Posters “The Light City / La Ciudad Ligera” Deadline: August 15th 2017 Content and motto The content of this first open...

ORGINAZATION 100 graphic designers from Greece and Cyprus create a poster for Crete raising funds for the workof ELEPAP Chania and...

SPEAK UP POSTER! Collective of Designers and Illustrators whose objective is to promote Social Mobility in all its areas. The project is...

International Biennial Poster Design Terras Gauda–Francisco Mantecón Competition
Deadline: 30/09/2017 During the meeting held on 21 December 2001 a decision was adopted which reads as follows: "The Board of Directors...